Student Drop-Off / Pick Up Procedures
The safety of all children is our #1 priority. Please familiarize yourself with the HHH Arrival and Dismissal Procedures. If you have any questions, please call the main office at (781) 344-7006.
Arrival - 8:00-8:25am
Drop-off begins at 8:00am when the HHH opens to students. The only exception to this is students attending the Stoughton Extended Day Morning Program. Please contact them directly for more information:
At 8:00am all students will go into the cafeteria for breakfast or to wait until morning recess opens at 8:15am. During inclement weather, students will stay inside the cafeteria or gym. At 8:25am, all students will be escorted into the building to start the day.
Important - this is a change! If you are late dropping your child off to school, please walk them into the main lobby to sign them in. Please do not drop off your child after 8:30am without accompanying them into the main office. If there are circumstances that do not allow you to leave your car, please call the main office for support.
For families dropping their child/children off by CAR:
There are two CAR entrances in the morning and afternoon - West Street (also known as the LOOP) and Central Street.
Please stay in your car and in the line. It is important that your child or children exit the car independently on the sidewalk side.
All children will do this at a different pace, especially at first, but please wait patiently in your car until the car(s) in front of you pull away, even if your child already exited your car.
Please place a placard on your dashboard with your child’s name and grade clearly visible to HHH staff. Staff will need this, especially the first few weeks, to help students transition safely.
HHH Staff will greet students to help them get where they are going- especially in the first few weeks of school

If you choose to use the Central Street entrance, please drop your child at the school curb/sidewalk. There will be a cone indicating the drop off location. Immediately after your student is safely out of the car, please exit the lot. Just be aware that staff will not assist students out of the cars at this entrance.

Students will be escorted off the bus by a staff member and will enter at the appropriate entrance.
If you walk your child to school through our play yard, please stop at the fence and let your child proceed to the doors. Staff members will be stationed throughout the exterior to escort students into the building.
Dismissal - 2:45pm
BUS: All bus students will be escorted to their appropriate bus.
WALKERS: All walkers will wait near the main entrance of the HHH. Staff stationed outside will call into the main office to send your child outside.
All K-3 car students will be picked up in the front LOOP. For the first few weeks of school, please place a placard on your dashboard with your child’s name and grade.
All 4-5 car students and siblings will be dismissed to the playground.
YMCA/KIDSPORTS : Students will be called to the bus when it arrives.
Stoughton Extended Day students will go to the gym for SED attendance.
Please let your child’s teacher know the dismissal plan on the first day of school. If there are ever changes to the dismissal plan, please let your child’s teacher know this in writing.